
Our Mission

Our greatest desire is to be of help to orphan and foster kind. Our second greatest desire is to be there for atheists, agnostics, people of other faiths, people hurting from Christianity or God (including the LGBTQ+ community,) and the suicidal. We were founded by a Liberal Christian who found the atheists he met along his travels to be some of the most Christ-like beings on the planet. WE DO NOT CONVERT.  We find the practice distasteful. Instead, we simply want to be an avenue for God to love on those who haven't been adequately loved by his children and try to undue some of the damage Christians are doing to his loving reputation.   

The Plan

The general plan is to write and produce other content to generate revenue and attention which will then be used to further love on this hurting world. Hopefully we will do such a good job with the content and the funds that people will trust us with more funds to do even more good. 

Upcoming Projects

